
In Flint, Mi there’s a group of “Christians” with picket signs that gather out side of a local abortion clinic. I’d been hearing about this for about a year before I seen it with my own eyes….. I’ve heard that the “Christians” talk to the women who are going inside trying to persuade them to go a different route… One day riding down Flushing Rd I seen a few lawn chairs and ppl with white signs. One in which read “This is murder!”… Quite disturbing.

This is the exact clinic I had my abortion at when I was a senior in High school. I just can’t help but think how it feels to have someone judge you for making one of the hardest decisions of your life a Christian group at that … Abortion is a very real and heavy decision for anyone. Let me walk you through my experience..

At 17 I was in a relationship that was disgustingly cute. We’d make mix cds with love notes on them, spent countless hours on the phone talking about nothing, and overthink all gifts and kind gestures… Ahh teenagers 🤷🏽‍♀️… One day I began to feel different…. You know like sick in the morning different…Like perfume made me nauseous different…Like too many emotions different…. So I did what any other teenage girl would do, I told my boyfriend. Duh… He right away told his best friend who was just freakishly smarter than us.

My boyfriends best friend decided to come get me out of school (sorry mom) and took me to a local women’s clinic. They did free std screens and pregnancy testing in there …I had that whole “Knees are weak palms are sweaty” nervous thing going on that rapper Eminem mentioned in 8mile but I went in… While feeling judged and like I was being watched I approached the desk and signed in.. “Jordyn Mickens!” Says the lady about ten minutes later.. I get up and go to the back. Things were hella simple, pee on the stick.. that’s what I did. Pee on a freaking stick… Wala ✨ teenage pregnancy ladies and gentlemen…..The lady was nice enough to go over all my options with me and even gave me a bag with some treats, pamphlets and baby supplies in it.

I was 17 year old senior in high school devastated. I thought about prom and my future. I thought about his opportunity at MSU and his future…. In my heart ♥️ I really wanted to keep the child so I also thought of us being parents and married… 🙄 Annoying, I know…. Understand at that age I wanted everything that my imagination could come up with.. No struggle included.

Then as it became time to tell my mom, reality set it. Sheila wasn’t for no games ok? Apart of me knew she’d be disappointed. I was the kid who hated to disappoint my parents…. The time came and I told her. She was very candid about all my options. Also it was clear what she preferred. Though i wanted very much so to keep my baby and live happily ever after my selfless thoughts began, What about college? What if he resents me for keeping the baby? What if I can’t provide for the baby?.. What if we don’t end up married?

My decision had become Abortion. At the time it made sense for us. Him away at the college of his dreams & me getting ready for prom and life outside of grade school… I’d seen plenty of gals who had them at school and they seems just fine. I honestly had no clue what i was signing up for.

The rainy spring break day came & my boyfriend couldn’t be there. Talk about embarrassing… I go to the clinic with my mother and step father present.. I couldn’t tell my dad and hurt him like that. No way, not Jordyn…. I sat in the waiting room along with other women looking to abort their missions as well. One a rape victim and the other a one night stand situation.. I remember feeling super low without the physical support of my then boyfriend. It felt like he didn’t care.. I knew that wasn’t the truth but I couldn’t help what I felt. When they called me up to the window for my blood money I thought to myself “Girl you still have time. LEAVE” but I stayed.. Even when they took me to counsel prior to the procedure I felt I could run out of there and never look back but still… I stayed.. i guess i wanted to keep my word. At the time of the procedure there was a female nurse in there hold my hand as I cried my eyes out and they sucked my baby out of me.. I felt everything, including my heart crushing into a thousand pieces..

When it was over they sat me in this amazingly comfortable recliner with hot tea to ease the physical pain and relaxing music playing to help the mental pain … “You can stay here as long as you like” said that nurse.. I finished off the tea and left. Staying there made me feel worse, i began to hate the smell of the place… I went home, got in my bed and cried the rest of the day…

Over the years I battled with such a void and depression. I struggled with thinking that the slightest bit of gas was pregnancy. I wanted a puppy sooo badly. My rationale was if I had a puppy I could fill the void from aborting the baby. The boyfriend actually got me a small dog. He was a wild little thing and I couldn’t handle him. His efforts were appreciated but the dog had to go.. I continued to struggle with guilt heavily for years. The slightest mention of abortion made me want to shut the world out and hide.

To experience such mental as well as physical pain in my experience & know that other women faced with the decision are bombarded with picketers, breaks my heart. The one thing Christians have to understand is that without love their efforts are void. And there’s no way that love is involved in a gesture that shames women for making a choice that is going to punish them mentally for the rest of their lives.. Due to my experience I’d never recommend Abortion but I also wouldn’t make anyone feel shitty for that choice..

My prayers are with the women in this situation. My prayers are also with those picketers at the clinic in Flint.. Lord have mercy ♥️

Girl, lets bond 🤗😘

Growing up I developed a weak and negative outlook on female bonding for these reasons: 

  1. I grew up with an older brother.
  2. My bullies were girls.
  3. Women were seemingly more catty than men.
  4. Boys.

The first three reason began to dissolve as time and experience got a hold of me. But baby……🙄… that last reason took a little mo’ time and a little mo’ experience before it dissolved. 

Disclaimer: I am currently in a different head space than the one I am about to speak on. I will light you up expeditiously if you slide in my DM’s after this post and you are in a relationship . IDC IDC IDC… #JudgeYaMama 🤷🏽‍♀️

Boys were my problem. I couldn’t dare be making friends with women who might like the same boy as me or who had been involved with one I dealt with. There was no way you’d catch me befriending a woman who’s boyfriends trash behavior I’d been entertaining, that ain’t real *pops gum, rolls eyes*, and lastly being friends with one of my male friends girls? NO! I was too privy to information and I wasn’t getting into they business… (If you’re cheering this mess on.. Beloved, you’re damaged… ) I had to get over myself and start to hold friends accountable. (Giving you this for free: If you can’t hold friends accountable for their behavior, they ain’t ya friends. Y’all just know each other)

As I began to merge into the creative lane more and work in my purpose I noticed that in Flint that lane is predominantly women. Before I knew it I was feeling all empowered by supporting women and networking with them. The bond and connection with women was getting stronger and more positive! Women had taken over my life so much that I’d found one of my passions to be encouraging women.. 

 Well for two years I’ve been single & most of my readers are knowledgeable to the fact that I’ve been abstaining from sex for a year and some change (YAY! ✨).. With this time I’ve been building my brand and such but I’ve also grown closer to God and strengthened that connection as well. God has had his way with me in 2017, allowing me to experience nostalgic moments. He’s shown me so many good things about myself that I’d left behind because of tragic endings or situations. God also allowed me to see who I was as it pertained to running from purpose with connected or bonding with other women. My selfish and trash ways of manipulation and dishonesty. He allowed me to sit and see for myself that my previous behavior and mentality didn’t line up with my life time goal of being a wife and mother. 

Having a connection with other women is one of the most rewarding things a woman can do. It’s breeds the true love, unity, nurturers, and essence of womanhood. It challenges the medias ideas of division. And most of all it allows us to grow, be a great foundation and set the standard for the women to come after us!  

Please note in order to genuinely connect you have to allow change to take place with negative connotations and preconceived notions, but once you do… The beauty of women connecting is priceless✨

Trying to be obedient 


It means- compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another’s authority.

Now I am simply trying to be obedient to God. And as we all know that’s not always so simple. It is ALWAYS worth it. 
God told me that I’d be sharing my past with the masses. And at first I’m like “Bet Lord, I’m good with written about anything. I’m ready!” However he was like “Naw they need to see you. You said you want to be a speaker? Speak life. Speak about YOUR life before the choice of celibacy” 


However because I know he does great works with our transparency I shook it off and TYAS was birthed. 

First! TYAS stands for Ten Years A Slave. I was sexually active for Ten Years before I began to abstain from sex. In that Ten Years so much happened in my life that brought to my decision for abstinence. In a mini doc I speak about some of the things that brought me to this place. 

I felt (after going back and forth with God) that it’s important to share stories like this so that I can open a safe place for other women and people alike to talk to me. So that people dealing with the same things I did can have someone to talk to in order to help them through. This message is for women to be empowered. For us to know that we can make choices with our bodies that we stand by. Its for everyone to understand the power and benefits of discipline and a few of the down falls of instant gratification.. 

See video here:

Thank you to my amazing team! 

Videographer: Deirdras Jones ( 

Photographer: Donnell Carr ( @DonnellCarr (everywhere) 

Make up artist: Ranesha Cavette ( IG: @beauty_mark_


Hair for video: Whitney Boose (Facebook Whitney Boose) 

Special thanks to Flint’s Local 432 for allowing me to have my launch event there! 

Stanay and Kiera my rocks and support! 

I’ll be more thn happy to put on an informative Showing/Q&A in regards to the TYAS initiative for your group and/or organization! Please feel free to email me at for that or any question or concerns! 


I’m a Chri…. I believe in God and Good energy 

Back in the year 1990 I was entered into the religion draft… And the Christian team picked me up off the strength of my parents being down with that squad. For a long while I was on the team just going through the motions. Coming to church, singing in the choir, dropping my money in a basket at offering time… After a while I even started praise dancing too… But it was just something I did, something I was conditioned to do like most people… 

When I was maybe 22 I was in a tough place in life. I was still dealing with things that haunted me from the past. And even dealing with a present situation.  So I began to really seek God. I’d Google like “Scriptures about Peace” or “Scriptures about a broken heart” and I’d study the list Google gave me. Writing them down in the KJV then the ESV and then in the way I interpreted it… Praying and studying for hours alone… In that time is when I found God for myself and really accepted him into my life.. 

After that time I started to really engage in church and listen to sermons and really be moved to tears. I grew to appreciate the teaching kind of messages. I earn for more knowledge.. But I also began to notice how so many things are manipulated with scripture. I also seen how a lot of other religions have the same beliefs just worded differently with a different name for their leader… I’ve grown turned off by the way religion works. The divide and judgement it causes disgust me. 

So at this point I just believe in God and good energy those things don’t lie.. I don’t get caught up in the way of people. I’m understanding to the fact that we are human and we are going to do things the human way.. I hold no qualms with that.. One of the most important things I’ve heard one of my elders say is “Get to know God and read your bible for yourself”….